The seemingly never-ending days of Summer where there is no bedtime, snacks are part of the everyday diet, and day trips to the beaches, zoos, and pretty much anywhere but the house are fast approaching their end.
Now for some parent's they are ready to get back into the schedule of uniforms, practices, lunches being packed, and telling those kids this is the last time they basically do those projects that they have known about for 3 weeks that are due tomorrow.
(Don't lie we have all done it, we watch the kids struggling with their volcano project and next thing you know they have a 4D replica of Mt. Vesuvius that erupts on command. "YES Mrs. Smith Johnnie did it all by himself, isn't he so smart?" "How did we only get a B+ on that?")
But, for other parent's they truly enjoy the kids being out of school, besides seeing the grocery bill, because C'mon what are they eating????
I think we all see those posts on social media where they like to remind you that you only have 18 Summers with your kids simultaneously reminding us that our babies are growing up, and we are not getting any younger.
*Cue the mental breakdown I experience every time I realize that*
So why is a travel blog writing about kids going back to school? Well, one thing I am a mom of a smelly pre-teen boy, so I am experiencing all of the feels right along with you. Also, I want to share some tips and tricks to getting back into the routine of school, and ways you can start saving for next Summer.
Getting Back into Routine
Honestly, I would like to tell you to start setting your kids alarm clocks 1 week before School starts so they get used to being up that early, but as a 35-year-old who has to get up early every morning for work, I am still tired and will never get used to an alarm going off. So... I'll save you all from that speech.
The kids are going to be tired that first week of school. So, save all extra appointments, events, and anything else you can control for another time. Let them come home from absorbing their new normal for the next 9 months and veg out on the couch or play mind numbing video games. A good task for them to do a week before school is get all the big chores out of the way so they might be able to get away with skipping a week of them. Everyone calm down I am not saying let the kids run the house, I am saying let the eyerolls not be so personal this week.
Create a calendar that each kid can add to. If you have more than one kid, it is especially helpful for everyone to keep up with everyone! You don't want to leave a kid stuck at school because you forgot they had band practice and just thought they went to their friend's house. (Not a true story obviously) Get yours Below:
Click the link to order one right to your house!
Another great option to make sure the kids don't have their morning meltdown of "nothing to wear" and "this is dirty" is a weekly clothes organizer.
The one below you can hang right in their closet, and it has days of the weeks already on it so when you forget what day it is you can at least look in the closet and figure it out, or the nice calendar you got for the fridge will work too!
2 Pack Closet Organizer
I think we all have the Summer Blues when school starts back up. My biggest advice is Grace. Whether we need to show it to our kids, their teachers, or give it to ourselves somehow find some to give. Sorry no Amazon link for that here.
Now that you are prepared for the upcoming school year, let's talk about Next Summer. Now you might say hold on a minute, I just spent $10290 on school supplies, new clothes, tuition, and everything else they needed to start school, I don't have the money to worry about next summer. Take a deep breath. I am not saying you need $2000 by next week. I am saying do a creative savings challenge, (envelope challenge, change jar, weekly goals) get the kids in on it! The kid who does the most chores this week gets $ added to their vacation fund on top of their allowance! You will be surprised how a little adds up to a lot after a while.
(Also try not to be this guy, I mean we have all done it)
There is nothing better than in the dead of winter to be looking at summer trip locations.
You might also say I can't go to Hawaii for 2 weeks, what about me?
Look to your nearest city and see what kind of city passes they have. They will usually have different locations to visit all wrapped up in one price. It also is a good idea to check your local News stations websites as they advertise FREE events, bowling, movies, parks, museums. Do not underestimate a day spent in the park with a picnic lunch.
You can always contact me to look at some options for you!
An adventure to me is just experiencing something that brings you joy. No matter how big or small the adventure may be, it's a personal journey.
Now I am going to hit you with some painful numbers as of Today July 29, 2024 we have 149 days until Christmas.
Like Buddy here you might be feeling like you are on in one of those revolving doors. First Back to School, then Next Summer, NOW I want to talk about the Holidays?? I promise I am not trying to bankrupt you or make you freak out. I am trying to give you things to look forward to!
I have written about it before but in recent years I have focused more on spending money on adventures for Holidays, or Birthdays then material things. They will always remember the trips ALWAYS!
Some top destinations for Holiday Travel this year are far off lands such as Fiji, Australia, or New Zealand. Those trips to me are planned out FAR in advance and we do not have that much time or money for that. (Start saving now for those BIG Trips for Next Year) Colorado, Montana, Washington are all great options to travel to without breaking the bank. I just did an entire week's worth of Colorado highlights on my Facebook @worththemilestravel. Of course, as a travel agent, I can find you great hotels, flights, and even excursions that won't break the bank. Some of the options even have payment plans or pay when you go so it gives you that extra time to save up.
Holiday travel can be a stressful, crazy time and you want to get planning NOW so you can just look forward to waking up to cups of coffee, watching the sunrise over the mountains this Holiday Season.
Now for those with kids that are looking forward to waking up to presents under the Christmas tree, DO IT. Just do it not at the house. I think knowing you are on vacation and that is a treat in itself you don't go present crazy, because you aren't going to be sitting around all day playing with the new toys, you'll be out on an adventure, whether it's hitting the slopes or going after Christmas Sale Shopping. A new location really lets you sit back and enjoy the family, you aren't stressed over cooking dinner for 192 people, or cleaning the house so it looks like no one lives there when people come over. I don't know about you but seeing my kids face when he experiences something for the first time is all the presents, I will ever need. (Not to mention I buy what I want year-round anyways)
In case you are still freaking out about everything you just read. Know this we are lucky to have kids to get ready to go back to school, we are fortunate enough to have Next Summer to look forward to, and Holidays really aren't about the money spent.
Also don't worry in today's economy you have WAY more than 18 years of memories with your kids. (Have you seen rent prices?)
-Samantha Cooley
Worth The Miles Travel